How do I turn an informational interview into an offer?

Karla Degginger
1 min readDec 10, 2020

Here’s why you should try an informational interview…

The reality is….

No one knows your looking..

No one knows you want “more”

Mater of fact, no one knows you’re even thinking about there’s more…

But if you’re an American, sadly this is ingrained in you by now.

Which means your going to feel like you need more.

I mean, how are you going to say you’re looking for a job on Linkedin?

Owners of companies won’t even post they’re looking for things because they’re afraid of scaring employees…

An owner we know is looking for a powerpoint presentation expert but can’t post about it because it’ll POSSIBLY hint about their new company..


What can you do?

Interestingly enough, you may already be in the right job.

What we suggest is increasing your knowledge and become more valuable.

Here’s how:

Create a risk free opportunity by conducting “informational interviews” with people who interest you.

Community i and culture are key for a fulfilled life.

With today’s culture around podcasts, you can get access to so many new ideas and people to fill that void..

Black & Veatch is a company that started a podcast and their 3–4 cohosts instantly became more fulfilled at work.

YOU don’t need to start a podcast but you can follow their lead by the action in itself.

Take notes, record it, end it in a timely manor, post some takeaways on LinkedIn, create a guide, become more interesting, and share what you loved to learn..

Tell your story.



Karla Degginger

With thousands of resumes in the job boards every day, we're helping unfulfilled employees create their future self, find control & get their dream job.